Tips to Overcome Procrastination in JEE and NEET Preparation - Narayana Coaching Centers

Tips to Overcome Procrastination in JEE and NEET Preparation

Tips to Overcome Procrastination in JEE and NEET Preparation


Procrastination is when you delay doing something, even if you know it might have bad results. It is often a common trap for students studying for big exams like the IIT-JEE, NEET, or NDA.


At the time of procrastinating, you may find yourself avoiding doing regular revisions, participating in mock tests, scheduled study, and so on. It requires much effort to come out of the comfort zone which causes deferment in task completion. Keep reading to learn more about this topic as well as the tips to overcome procrastination.

What are the Common Tips to Overcome Procrastination?

Following are the common tips to avoid procrastination and achieve success in your JEE and NEET examinations:

1. Determine the Reason of Procrastination

At the outset, you should determine the root of your procrastination. You have to figure yourself whether it is fear of being unsuccessful or you are too lazy.


If necessary, check out the components of preparation such as mock tests, numerical practice, revision work, lack of interest, etc., so that you can figure out your lacking areas. Once you determine a suitable reason for procrastination, you can easily avoid it.

2. Do Not Get Stressed

Stress or panic is one of the main reasons behind procrastination which hampers your JEE NEET exam preparation. Often it is seen that candidates are unable to cover the entire syllabus and start having anxiety of missing out.


This makes them suffer from severe strain which further hinders their studies. For this, it is better to stay calm, think sensibly, and accept the lacking areas. This helps them formulate a plan to cover the syllabus in a much better and more productive way.

3. Take Breaks and Stay Motivated

To make the preparation for your JEE and NEET examinations effective and stay encouraged, it is better to take breaks from your studies and have some ‘me’ time. You can do anything which makes you feel happy and relaxed. It can be watching a movie, having good food, spending some time with families and friends, listening to music, playing your favorite video game, and so on. etc. This habit has been witnessed in many rank-holder students of JEE and NEET.

4.Divide Tasks into Smaller Lots

Another reason causing procrastination in JEE and NEET preparation among students is the vast syllabus which makes them feel overburdened. However, you can avoid this and make your preparation seamless by dividing the larger tasks into smaller parts, and chapters into topics and setting a timeline to complete them.


Shortly, you will understand that you have the potential to complete the whole syllabus efficiently. Make sure to conform to the deadlines of your tasks so that you can finish the syllabus on time.

5. Have Proper Sleep

Often students preparing for competitive examinations such as JEE and NEET consider sleep as a waste of time.


However, it is a major mistake since it is the only thing which not only revitalizes you but also keeps you in a stable mental state. Insufficient sleep can lead to severe mental fatigue, headache, and loss of attentiveness, which in turn will cause procrastination.


This is why you should not compromise your sleep and invest at least 6-8 hours for it every day.

6. Avoid Multi-Tasking as Much as Possible

Always focus on doing and completing one task at a time rather than stacking yourself with too many commitments. For instance, if you are reading a subject like Physics, do not think about Mathematics or Chemistry.


Although multitasking is a sense of productivity, it often becomes a lot challenging and is prone to mistakes. Thus, if you desire to complete something efficiently, focusing on one thing at a time is the best method.

7. Avoid Distraction

In recent times, there have been many distractions which a candidate comes across while making JEE and NEET preparations. This includes social media, mobile phones, games, etc., which spoils the time and encumbers the efficiency of a student. If you want to take a break from studies, consider reading a book or watching some motivational videos.


In a nutshell, procrastination leads to lessened productivity and makes us fail to achieve our goals. When it comes to competitive exams, procrastinating for a long time can make you demotivated and disillusioned with your target. If you are a victim of this problem, consider going through the aforementioned tips to overcome procrastination and succeed in your exams and life.

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