JEE Mains 2025 weightage Chapters in Physics Chemistry Maths

JEE Main 2025: High-weightage Chapters in Physics, Chemistry and Maths

JEE 2025 High-weightage Chapters in Physics, Chemistry and Maths

JEE Main 2025: High-weightage Chapters in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics 


Do not worry we have got you covered! Having a grip on the important chapters ensures that you get the necessary boost to your JEE score. In this guide, you will discover the high-weightage chapters as well as topics from the different subjects present in the JEE Main syllabus

What are the Important Chapters for Physics Under JEE Main 2025 Syllabus?

Here is a table highlighting the chapters in Physics under JEE Syllabus 2025 that have high weightage:

Chapters  Number of Questions  Marks Weightage
Modern Physics 5 20 15.9%
Current Electricity 3 12 9.9%
Electrostatics 3 12 9.9%
Heat and Thermodynamics 3 12 9.9%
Optics 3 12 9.9%
Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism 2 8 6.6%

Now, let us understand what are the important topics to be covered in Physics. The following table presents a comprehensive overview of the essential topics to be covered for JEE Main syllabus:

Chapters Topics
Modern Physics
  • Bohr H atom
  • Photoelectric effect
  • Nuclear Physics
  • De Broglie wavelength
Current Electricity
  • Metre Bridge
  • Colour Code of Carbon Resistor
  • Wheatstone Bridge
  • Ohm’s Law and Temperature Dependence on Resistivity
  • Grouping of Resistors
  • Grouping of Cells
  • Electric Current Density and Drift Velocity
  • Kirchhoff’s Law
  • Potentiometer
  • Electrostatic Equilibrium
  • Electric Potential Energy
  • Image Charges
  • Electric Dipole
  • Gauss’s Law
  • Capacitors and Capacitance
  • Conductors and Insulators
  • Electric Potential Energy
  • Continuous Charge Distribution
Heat and Thermodynamics
  • KTG & Thermodynamics
  • Calorimetry & Thermal Expansion
  • Young’s double-slit experiment
  • Reflection and refraction
  • Wavefront and Huygens’ principle
  • Polarisation
  • Brewster’s law
Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism
  • Electromagnetic induction
  • Kirchhoff’s laws
  • Biot–Savart’s law 
  • Ampere’s law 

What are the Important Chapters for Chemistry Under JEE Main Syllabus?

This table outlines the high-weightage Chemistry chapters within the JEE Main Syllabus 2025:

Chapters  Number of Questions  Marks Weightage
Classification of Elements and Periodic Table 3 14 9.9%
Transition Elements and Coordinate Geometry 3 14 9.9%
Atomic Structure 2 8 6.6%
Chemical Bonding 2 8 6.6%
Chemical and Ionic Equilibrium 2 8 6.6%
Thermodynamics and Gaseous State 2 8 6.6%
Nuclear Chemistry and Environment 2 8 6.6%
Solid-State and Surface Chemistry 2 8 6.6%

After learning the important chapters in Chemistry, let us understand the important topics to be covered under these chapters. Here is a table covering all the essential topics:

Chapters Topics
Classification of Elements and Periodic Table
  • Long Form of Modern Periodic Table
  • Classification of Element: s Block
  • Ionisation Enthalpy of Ionisation Potential
  • Atomic Radius of Elements
  • Variation of Atomic Radii and Ionic Radii
Transition Elements and Coordinate Compounds
  • Anomalous Behaviour of Lithium
  • Ionisation Energy
  • Screening Effect and Lanthanoid Contraction
  • Sodium Chloride and Sodium Hydroxide
  • Halides of Alkali Metals
  • Atomic Size/Radii
  • Magnetic Properties and Character
  • Oxidation State
  • Chemical Properties of Alkali Metals 1&2
  • Oxidation and Coordination Number
  • Ligands and Their Types
  • Terms Related to Coordination Compounds
  • Additional Compounds of Molecular Compounds
Atomic Structure
  • De Broglie Wavelength
  • Radius, Velocity, and Energy of nth Bohr Orbital
  • Photoelectric Effect, Line Spectrum of Hydrogen
  • Heisenberg’s Principle of Uncertainty
Chemical Bonding
  • Fajan’s Rule and Covalent Character in Covalent Bond
  • Bonding of p?-p? and p?-d?
  • Lewis Structure
  • Limitation of Octet Rule
  • Bond Parameters: length, angle, energy, strength
Chemical and Ionic Equilibrium
  • Le Chatelier’s Principle
  • Chemical Equilibrium
  • Law of Mass Action
  • Heterogeneous Equilibria
  • Equilibrium Constant (K)
  • Acid-Base Equilibrium
  • Calculation of Equilibrium Concentrations
  • Factors Affecting Equilibrium
  • Solubility Equilibrium
  • Ionic Equilibria
Thermodynamics and Gaseous State
  • Laws of thermodynamics
  • Entropy
  • Enthalpy
Nuclear and Environmental Chemistry
  • Nuclear Reactions 
  • Types of Radiations
  • Green Chemistry
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Sustainable Development
  • Methods for Controlling Pollution
  • Effects of Pollutants on the Environment
  • Pollutants
Solid-State and Surface Chemistry
  • Surface Tension
  • Surface Modification
  • Langmuir Isotherms
  • Self-Assembly
  • Solid-Gas Interfaces
  • Adsorption
  • Heterogeneous Catalysis
  • Electrochemistry at Interfaces
  • Nanomaterials and Nanoscale Surface Chemistry
  • Surface Characterization Techniques
  • Catalysis
  • Monolayers and Multilayers
  • Colloids and Surface Phenomena
  • Solid-Liquid Interfaces
  • Surface Reaction Kinetics

What are the Important Chapters for Mathematics under JEE Main Syllabus?

The table below covers JEE Main 2025 chapter-wise weightage for Mathematics subject:

Chapters  Number of Questions  Marks Weightage
Coordinate Geometry 5 20 15.9%
Integral Calculus 3 12 9.9%
Limits, Continuity and Differentiability 3 12 9.9%
Matrices and Determinants 2 8 6.6%
Three Dimensional Geometry 2 8 6.6%
Vector Algebra 2 8 6.6%
Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations 2 8 6.6%
Statistics and Probability 2 8 6.6%

The following is a table showcasing the vital topics under the above-mentioned Maths chapters:

Chapters Topics
Coordinate Geometry
  • Centre
  • Distance between Two Points
  • Coordinate Axes
  • Incentre
  • Section Formula
  • Centroid
Integral Calculus
  • Integration as Reverse Process of Differentiation
  • Some Special Integration
  • Integration by Parts
  • Fundamental Formulae of Indefinite Integration (trigonometric functions)
  • Application of Special Integration Formula
Limits, Continuity and Differentiability
  • Trigonometric Units
  • Algebra of Limits
  • Limit of Algebraic Function
  • Limit of Indeterminate Form and Algebraic Limit
  • Algebraic Function of type ‘infinity 
Matrices and Determinants
  • Matrices
  • Matrix Order
  • Row and Column Matrices
  • Matrix Properties
  • Matrix Multiplication
  • Properties of Matrix Multiplication
  • Transpose of a Matrix
  • Transpose Conjugate of a Matrix
Three Dimensional Geometry
  • Section Formula
  • Direction Cosines and Direction Ratio
  • Shortest Distance between Two Lines
  • Equations for a Line in Space
  • Angle Between Two Lines
  • Introduction to 3D Coordinate System
Vector Algebra
  • Equations for a Line in Space
  • Shortest Distance between Two Lines
  • Scalar Triple Products
  • Section Formula
  • Angle Between Two Lines
  • Vector Triple Products
  • Direction Cosines and Direction Ratio
Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations
  • Euler Form of Complex Number
  • Iota and Powers of Iota
  • Modulus of Complex Numbers and Their Properties
  • Complex Numbers and Euler Form of Complex Number
  • Conjugate of Complex Numbers and Their Properties
Statistics and Probability
  • Mean, Median, and Mode
  • Mean Deviation and Standard Deviation
  • Variance
  • Range

Thus, by going through the above-mentioned high-weightage chapters and essential topics in Physics, Chemistry, and Maths under the JEE Main syllabus of 2025 you will have a solid foundation for your preparation. Make sure to master these key areas to increase your chances of success in the upcoming JEE Main exam.


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