11 Quick Methods to Memorize All the Formulas of Science & Mathematics - Narayana Coaching Centers

11 Quick Methods to Memorize All the Formulas of Science & Mathematics

How to Memorize Formulas


A common question among students is how to memorize formulas. Well, there are several tried and tested methods that you can use in your daily practice of memorizing them. The easy way to remember formulas requires a lot of practice and hard work, added with an understanding of the concepts.


Let us understand the techniques recognized as the best way to learn and remember science and mathematics formulas and their importance.


11 Smart Ways on ‘How to Remember Formulas Easily’?

There are several ways which can help you with the question of ‘how to memorize equations or formulas easily’. Here we have listed the best ways to learn them easily:

1. Practice Makes a Difference

Suppose, you are solving a complicated math problem and asking yourself, ‘How to remember math formulas easily’?

Well, doing the same sum or a similar type of sum frequently makes a difference. The answer remains the same when you ask how to memorize physics equations.


2. Writing Formulas and Understanding Their Purpose

It will be easy for you to understand the purpose of a formula when you try finding its origin. Be it for science subjects like Physics, Chemistry or Mathematics. Thus, you do not have to think about ‘how to memorize equations. Rather, your focus should be to understand the purpose of the equation and its use in a problem.


3. Distraction: A Key to Failure

Whenever you are studying try avoiding distraction at all costs. Losing focus due to distraction causes many problems which ultimately leads to failure. Use your time judiciously and devise an easy way to remember formulas without getting distracted. Therefore, strategy and practice help you to find an effective way to remember formulas.


4. Make a Visual Note of Formulas

Facing difficulty in memorizing physics formulas? You are asking how to memorize physics equations. Try training and increase your memorizing power by making visual notes or writing and pasting equations in your study table. Making a visual note helps you better see and remember the equations effectively.


5. Be a Teacher

While you understand some formula or an equation, you can help others! Find someone who asks you how to remember formulas easily. Teach them the formulas and their application. This helps you in increasing understanding and retaining them in your head.


6. Use Memory Palaces

A memory palace is a way you can remember concepts or formulas by assigning a part of your memory lane to it. Thus, do not feel overwhelmed to memorize math formulas, simply use a memory lane and try to recall formulas and concepts whenever necessary.


7. Spatial Memory

Try to increase your spatial memory by making diagrams and charts for remembering complicated equations. This way you do not need to think about how to remember formulas. Every formula and its purpose is listed in a chart. Looking at it and using it daily can make a difference.


8. Organize a Bit

You need to organize the formulas and concepts according to their themes or subjects. Thus, do not overthink about how to remember formulas and start working on finding solutions. Additionally, create a thorough understanding of the formula to use it where you require it.


9. Watch Videos Online

You need to watch videos online that solve a specific problem of math and science using formulas. Make notes and understand the application of the formulas effectively. Do not worry about the best way to memorize formulas, start working on the problems soon!


10. See it Before Sleep

Make sure to go through the formula before you go to sleep. This technique is shown to increase the retentivity for formulas and concepts manifold. This practice helps you to store the necessary information in your memory effectively.


11. Revision

Creating a thorough plan for revision helps you to understand the formula and its usage effectively. Make sure to use them in problems while solving questions from math, physics, or chemistry. Always remember that practice makes you perfect!


To sum up, increasing practice and cognitive functioning of your brain makes it easier for you to remember formulas. Your focus should be on practice rather than wasting time thinking about how to memorize formulas. Your stepping stone towards success is always in your strategy and planning!

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